TJR Construction Is an Affordable Roofing Company

Reach out today for your no cost inspection!

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We are your full service exterior home improvement provider.

storm damage

Storm Damage

Any major storm can cause serious damage to your home. From bad wind to large hail, your home may be in need of repairs...



Homes across New England are in need of replacing, and right away. A bad roof can lead to serious problems...



The armor for the walls of your home. Responsible for the majority of drafts and high heating and cooling costs....



Many homeowners forget they even have gutters until one backs up or gets torn down, causing immense damage...

Why ChoOse TJR Construction?

This is what makes TJR Construction your go-to contractor.

Fast Service

We understand that any roofing or exterior issue is a huge stress. To help you out, we will get a crew of guys to your house as quickly as possible with our 24/7 response team.

Exceptional Work

Your roofing or exterior service will be completed with an Affordable Roofing Company with top-grade materials and professional installation practices. Our work is made to stand the test of time and protect your family.

Team of Experts

Our team of professional contractors are here to give you the highest quality service. The contractors on our team are licensed, insured, and experienced.

Our Story

Our CEO, Toby Richard got involved with construction in the early 90’s. His main trade was carpentry, but like so many other entrepreneurs he knew he needed to expand his skills to stay relevant. He quickly picked up; roofing, siding and gutters to add to his skill set. Once Toby had mastered these new skills, he quickly realized that he was better off working on his own, than working for another employer. Not everyone does the right thing by every customer, and Toby set out to do exactly that. This brought on the birth of TJR Construction LLC.

Since the late 90’s we have specialized in storm damage repair and replacements, as we saw this as the best way to help homeowners facing difficult challenges. We are your full service home improvement contractor, and would love to help you with all of your; roofing, siding and gutter needs. Many homeowners are unaware of damage to the exterior of their home, until the damage takes a catastrophic turn. Don’t wait for your bedroom ceiling to cave in, have us come provide a no cost roof inspection today. We want you to be able to sleep at night knowing that your roof and siding are protecting your home and your family.

If you have any questions, storm damage, or are looking for a quote on an exterior home improvement project...we would love for you to reach out today!

Our Story

Our CEO, Toby Richard got involved with construction in the early 90’s. His main trade was carpentry, but like so many other entrepreneurs he knew he needed to expand his skills to stay relevant. He quickly picked up; roofing, siding and gutters to add to his skill set. Once Toby had mastered these new skills, he quickly realized that he was better off working on his own, than working for another employer. Not everyone does the right thing by every customer, and Toby set out to do exactly that. This brought on the birth of TJR Construction LLC.

Since the late 90’s we have specialized in storm damage repair and replacements, as we saw this as the best way to help homeowners facing difficult challenges. We are your full service home improvement contractor, and would love to help you with all of your; roofing, siding and gutter needs. Many homeowners are unaware of damage to the exterior of their home, until the damage takes a catastrophic turn. Don’t wait for your bedroom ceiling to cave in, have us come provide a no cost roof inspection today. We want you to be able to sleep at night knowing that your roof and siding are protecting your home and your family.

If you have any questions, storm damage, or are looking for a quote on an exterior home improvement project...we would love for you to reach out today!

Johnson Wright

When I was in quest of roofing professionals, one of my friends gave me the reference of TJR Construction. I immediately called them up and engaged them to inspect the condition of my roofs. They reached my place in time as promised and gave me the accurate details of the roof repairs. I am impressed with their

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Our Latest Blog Posts

When Do You Repair or Replace Your Roof After Storm Damage in New England?

When Do You Repair or Replace Your Roof After Storm Damage in New England?

June 04, 20246 min read

When Do You Repair or Replace Your Roof After Storm Damage in New England?

Living in New England means dealing with some intense weather throughout the year. From heavy snow and ice in the winter to powerful thunderstorms and hail in the warmer months, your home's roof takes a beating from Mother Nature. After a major storm rolls through, you may be left wondering – should I repair or replace my roof? Knowing when to repair or replace after storm damage can save you thousands of dollars.

Knowing when to opt for roof repair service vs a full roof replacement service can save you thousands of dollars. But how can you tell? This guide will cover everything you need to know about assessing roof storm damage and making the right call to repair or replace after storm damage.

The Importance of Acting Quickly Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements for your entire home. When it gets damaged, it can't properly protect the rest of the structure. That's why it's crucial to address any roof storm damage right away, rather than waiting.

If left unchecked, even seemingly minor issues will allow water intrusion that can lead to:

  • Wood rot

  • Mold and mildew growth

  • Damage to insulation, drywall, and electrical systems

  • Potential structural compromise and collapse

By acting quickly to repair or replace after storm damage, you can prevent these bigger, more expensive problems from developing. Your roof may have survived a bad hail storm or wind event, but it's critical to have it inspected and repaired as soon as possible.

Signs You Need Roof Repair Service:
In some cases, your roof may only need localized repair rather than a full replacement after a storm. Some common signs you likely need roofing repair services include:

Missing, cracked, or damaged shingles or tiles: While it's normal for a roof to lose a few shingles here and there over time, a concentrated area missing multiple shingles is cause for concern. Likewise, look for any tiles or shingles that are visibly cracked, buckled, or dented.

Granule loss and exposed underlayment: A little granule loss isn't a huge deal, but bald spots where the roof's underlayment is visible means those shingles have been severely compromised.

Visible hail damage or punctures: After a hailstorm, check for dents, cracks, or punctures in the roof surface. These can lead to leaks if not repaired quickly.

Pooling water: Roof sections that appear to be holding standing water may have low spots or sags that need to be reinforced.

Damaged or missing flashing: Flashing around vents, skylights, and the roof's edges protect against leaks. Any cracked, dented, or missing flashing requires repair.

Exposed nails: Nails that are sticking up or backing out of the roof decking need to be reinstalled properly.

Leaks inside: Water spots on your ceilings or walls are a clear sign that your roof is allowing moisture in and professional repair is needed.

In cases like these where the damage is contained to specific areas, roofing repair services from an experienced local contractor are typically sufficient to restore your roof's integrity.

Signs You Need Roof Replacement Service 

Unfortunately, there are times when roof repair isn't enough after major storm damage. If you notice any of the following issues, it likely means you need an emergency roof replacement service:

  • Extensive granule loss across the entire surface

  • Curled, cracked, or missing shingles/tiles on over 25% of the roof

  • Sagging or drooping sections

  • Severe structural damage from falling trees or debris

  • Widespread leaking from multiple areas

  • The roof is over 20 years old and sustained major damage

Even if the damage doesn't look that bad from the ground, it's critical to have an inspection done. Roofers will be able to assess if the damage is too severe and widespread for basic repairs to suffice after storm damage, necessitating a full roof replacement.

What's Involved in Roof Repair vs. Replacement?

Repairing isolated damage is generally a faster, less expensive process than a full reroof. Here's a quick overview of what each service entails:

Roof Repair

  • Removing any damaged shingles, tiles, or materials

  • Patching/sealing any holes, cracks, or penetrations

  • Replacing any damaged underlayment or decking sections

  • Reinstalling new shingles, tiles, flashing in problem areas

  • Typically takes 1-2 days for an average sized roof

Complete Replacement

  • Stripping away all existing roofing materials down to the decking

  • Inspecting and making any needed repairs to the roof deck

  • Installing new underlayment, drip edge, flashing, vents, etc.

  • Installing a brand new roof covering system

  • Typically takes 3-5 days depending on the size and complexity

While replacing an entire roof has a bigger upfront cost than repairs, it effectively gives you a brand new roof built to last at least 20-25 years. Opting for repairs on an old, damaged roof is often just kicking the can down the road before a full reroof is needed anyway.

Factors That Influence Repair vs. Replace When weighing whether to pursue roof repair services or replacement after storm damage, there are a few key factors to consider:

Roof Age & Condition A relatively new, well-maintained roof that experiences minor storm damage is generally a good candidate for repairs. But if the roof was old or in poor condition before the storm, replacement is likely the safer bet.

Extent & Type of Damage

As outlined above, contained, superficial issues can usually be handled with quality repairs. But if the damage is severe and widespread across multiple roof sections and into the structure, replacement is recommended.

Repair Costs vs. Replacement Costs In some cases, the projected costs of making extensive repairs may only be slightly less than replacing the roof entirely. When repair estimates are 60-70%+ of a new roof price, homeowners often choose to go ahead and replace for best long-term value.

Insurance Coverage Most homeowners policies cover roof replacements due to severe storm damage like hail, fallen trees, etc. But insurers generally won't pay for full replacements if repairs would have been sufficient. Having an adjuster inspect your storm damage before filing a claim is wise.

With all these factors in mind, an experienced local roofer can assess whether your home really needs a roof repair service or a total roof replacement after storm damage.

The TJR Construction Difference

At TJR Construction, we've been the Vernon area's go-to source for roof repair and replacement for over 30 years. From emergency roof repairs after hail damage to full storm damage roof replacements, our certified teams get the job done right.

We only use top-quality roofing products designed to withstand New England's tough climate. And we back all of our work with comprehensive warranties, so your investment is protected.

Whether you need quick shingle repairs or a full architectural roof replacement after storm damage, TJR Construction provides the highest levels of service and craftsmanship. We'll make sure your roof is restored and your home is properly protected again.

Don't Wait – Schedule Your Free Roof Inspection Today If you suspect hail damage to your roof or have other roof storm damage concerns in the Vernon area, don't wait. Water intrusion can cause structural issues and devastate your home's interior fast.

Call TJR Construction or schedule your free roof repair estimate online today. We'll send one of our certified roofing experts to thoroughly inspect your roof and determine if you need to repair or replace after storm damage.

Secure your home and your family's safety by addressing roof storm damage ASAP. Contact TJR Construction to get started!

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